1) Mike: You're all about comfort and efficiency!
Abby Richter: What's wrong with comfort and efficiency?
Mike: Well nothing, except no one wants to f*** it.
2) Abby Richter: My cat stepped on the remote.
Mike: Well, be sure to thank your pussy for me.
3) Mike: "While burning the books"…Billions and Billions, wasted on this psychobabble bullshit. Now listen up ladies, ’cause I’m only gonna say this once and it’s just three little words…men are simple…we cannot be trained. and all of this, ‘Men are from Venus” crap is a waste of your time and money. If you want to be a lonely hag, then keep reading these books, but if you want a relationship, heres how you get one…It’s called a Stairstepper, get on it, and get skinny. and get some trashy lingerie while your at it, because at the end of the day all were interested in is looks. No one falls in love with your personality at first sight.
4) Mike: It's not for you, it's for your "bean"........LOL!!!! took me awhile to guess..
5) There was another part where they were talking about how she shouldn’t talk about her problems cause guys don't care. and she argued and said some guys care. Mike responded by saying some guys pretend to care and when a guy asks how are you doing its just translation for i wanna stick my "dick in your ass".
Gotta watch it again!!!

Rating: 7/10