Taken from LYN forum....... For those Not attractive guys out there who wants to date.

 This is not my wonder 10 anti-dating rules but stumble upon it in LYN forum. Find this pretty true cause from a guy's point of view i could just feeeeeeel it.... lulzzzzzz

1. No 1 rule : remember you're ugly.
2. You're in the friend-zone already. So stop thinking about any possibilities.
3. Get rid of the "what if?" question out of your head.
4. If they want your help, say "No" politely. Seriously if you help (especially money related), you're conscious mind want something in return.
5. Remember this - they're close to you because they are DAMN SURE they wont have any romantic feelings towards you, And they EXPECT you to realize where you stand and wont flirt with them.
6. No 1 rule : remember you're ugly.
7. No 1 rule : remember you're ugly.
8. Dont watch too many korean or any lovey dovey shitty movies. Those fantasies wont apply in your real world.
9. Dont be Mr Nice Guy because you will turn into a f*cking doormat to be stepped on one day.
10. No 1 rule : remember that you're ugly