The story of a genie who failed his England SOOOOOO BADLYYYY ( 12" Pianist)


One day a man entered a bar, and after having few drinks he noticed a very tiny man playing a miniature piano near the bartender. The man asks,

"Where did you find this man? Even though he's small but he sure can play the piano very well.."

To this the bartender replied,

" I found a magic lamp in the dumpster behind this bar, i wished for it and here he is, the tiniest of all pianist"

The man asks,

"Do you still have the magic lamp with you?"

"It's still there in the dumpster, go ahead and try if you wish.." said the bartender. Then the man rushes to the back of the bar and found the magic lamp inside the dumpster. He rubbed it and wished,

" I wish for a million bucks", he said. But what he got in return was a million ducks coming down from the sky and crapping on him. The man got back into the bar, and furiously asked the bartender,

"Screw you man, i found the lamp and when i wished for a million bucks, these rain of ducks came from the sky and crapped the hell outta me!

The bartender replied,

" Well, did you really thought i was wishing for a 12 inch pianist then?"